The existing school located on a very tight site in the middle of the town of Port Perry consists of an original 1923 three storey building expanded in the 50’s and 60’s with various two storey and single storey additions. With the student population growing, the existing facility could not satisfy the current program requirements. The existing library, located in the centre of the school and designed originally for a much smaller student population than it presently serves, required more space but due to its location, expansion was not possible. Other areas such as classroom space, science labs, music rooms and teachers work areas were severely deficient.
The solution was to provide an addition while renovating the existing building. The addition housed a new library and two classrooms. The renovation involved the conversion of the existing library into an instrumental music classroom, practice rooms, vocal music classroom and MIDI lab. It also involved the conversion of the existing music rooms into a computer lab and a science lab, the conversion of underutilized storage rooms to classroom space and conversion of an unused teacher’s dining room into a teachers work area.
To accommodate future student growth, the new addition was designed to allow for expansion on the second floor and a ten classroom two-storey addition adjacent to the library.
Work in the building was successfully completed without effecting the safety of the staff and students and with little disruption to the normal school program.